Recruit the Right Blend of Talent

Victory in the War for Talent is generally defined as the recruitment of more “A” level performers than the competition. Organizations that employ the lion’s share of such individuals have higher levels of productivity and innovation and greater sales and profits than do other organizations. Or, do they?   Research suggests that there are actually […]

The Right Kind of Confidence


The journalist David Brooks once famously opined that “Human beings are over-confidence machines.” We aren’t as smart as we think we are, nor are we as smart as we need to be. That’s especially true when it comes to networking in a job search. Brooks bases his assertion on a survey done among executives in […]

How to Avoid Part Time Work

Survey after survey now confirms that a growing number of job openings are structured as part time employment. While some of this shift away from the traditional 40 workweek might be due to the debut of the new healthcare law, there’s another factor that’s largely unrecognized and just as important. The constant change going on […]

The Employment Brand That’s No Brand At All

Employment branding gets a lot of coverage both at recruiting conferences and in recruiting publications. Despite the interest, however, most employers don’t have an employment brand. They either can’t be bothered or the brand they do create doesn’t say anything memorable. As a result, they are a faceless organization, and that vacant expression becomes their […]

The Recruiting Aesthetic


Recruiting is an art, so it’s not only appropriate but essential that it be conducted in accordance with an aesthetic. Unlike a strategy or tactic, an aesthetic is neither a game plan nor a set of actions. It is, instead, a guiding principle that shapes the formation and implementation of strategies and tactics with a […]

The Bronze Bullet of Job Searching


Survey after survey confirms that job boards are among the most effective ways to find a new or better job in today’s tough job market. For all that success, however, there are still many job seekers who come up empty-handed when using such sites. What should they do? Learn the two secrets to putting job […]

The Most Unpopular Term in the Job Market For Recruiters

A.S. Byatt once opined that “Vocabularies are crossing circles and loops. We are defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined by.” Words have meaning, of course – they convey information – but they also elicit responses – they touch nerves – that shape the perceptions of those who read them. […]

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